16 May 2011

The Runner goes global!

During the trail The Runner featured in countless newspapers and websites worldwide, including Sky News, Daily Mirror, even Running blogs as far away as Brazil.

It featured as the photo for the BBC photo caption of the day receiving over 300 caption entries! Thanks to all the photographers out there who also put their Runner photos on Flickr.

Here's hoping we get to see The Runner at the London 2012 Olympics somehow....

Trail Ends

After being extended by popular demand 'Liverpool Discovers' public art trail has now closed.
Images show Julian Taylor taking one of the figures down on 8th May 2011. The girder looks rather bare now!
Many thanks to King Park for the loan of a fantastic site and the commissioners Wild in Art and Liverpool Lantern Company for the rare opportunity to create an ambitious temporary sculpture!
The Runner is available for sale or exhibition, please get in touch if you are interested.